Vindicar is a synonym for revenge , this term is applied to the description of the penance of the aggressors that was sanctioned by those who were victims of their misdeeds, these punishments were the search of those affected to seek an amendment to the mistreatments that were submitted , the idea of revenge or vindication was a way to compensate for the damage they had been caused.This concept remains in the minds of the population even about Everything when the justice plan fails in its work, if a thorough inspection of revenge and justice is done, it does not have much difference, however the anger of the victims goes further and they are not satisfied with the punishment of their aggressors.p>
Revenge often does not seek to do justice simply is a way to release the tension and the sensation of pain that caused the thugs in these people, even if it is executed with the premise of “pay with the same mon eda ”always whoever takes revenge infringes more pain and humiliation than those who first affected; no matter how bloody or depraved the revenge is and bad for the moral view, the one who charges his vindic feels an unequaled pleasure when he is completely full of anger, behaving this action as a relief.However vindicating must be taken carefully, when this becomes an exemplary revenge where the victim causes more pain than he or she suffered, becomes a world full of violence and sadism without any control what is completely bad for society, thanks to this since that the biblical era was instituted, self-revenge was replaced by a judicial system where the situation would be evaluated and a culprit sought for the crime committed.
The first punishments to those who considered themselves guilty was to measure them with the same rod that they measured, an "eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" sentence also known as Talion's Law, where if the individual killed moria co In the same weapon, if the culprit violated, he ran with the same fate and in that way it was shown to those affected or their relatives that revenge was fulfilled but with a structured justice system.
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