The word toll usually refers to a kind of payment that transport drivers make, in order to be able to have the right to move through public roads .In other words, the toll refers to a fee that is charged to the means of transport either by land or by sea so that they have the permission to use the space of the respective route of communication.
All the money that is collected through toll collection is generally destined to cover the costs of maintenance of road or river infrastructure, such as , roads, navigation channels, etc.
Toll charges are usually managed by the state , who directly or through an intermediary, is the responsible for charging users who travel on roads, bridges or tunnels.This money is usually paid on calls est toll ations, which are established in the roads themselves, or bridges where you travel.It should be added that the only difficulty that this toll collection system presents is the congestion that originates in the toll stations, during the hours called "peak" which is where there is an increase in vehicular flow.
Another thing, regarding the rate to pay , is that this it is not the same (in the case of land routes) for all vehicles, since heavy load vehicles must pay a higher rate, while small vehicles pay a lower amount.
As for the sea transport , it also pays a toll.For example, ships to cross Panama's channel must cancel a fee or toll However, maritime transport prefers to cancel this fare since going through this channel makes them save , time and fuel.
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