The semantic information is that which can be transmitted through true or false statements .The semantics refers to everything related to the meaning or interpretation of linguistic signs as symbols, words or expressions.According to the general principle of semantic information; for there to be information there must be data well formed and meaningful.
There are two types of semantic information : educational information and factual information.
The educational information is that which allows something to happen or instructs to carry it out , so it has no value of true ; An example of this would be software .On the other hand, factual information refers to facts; therefore, it has real value.A clear example is to say that it is raining.
These two concepts are not entirely exclusive, since it may be the case that phenomena arise that may understood in both ways .For example: if when turning on the computer the motherboard starts to sound, this can be understood as factual information, since it is a fact , that the graphics card it is not working properly; or it can also be understood as educational information, since it indicates that it is necessary to change the graphics card, if you want to use the computer.
Some authors consider that: for information to be appreciated as such, it must be be true; therefore a sentence will be more affirmative, the closer to the informed to the truth, however this is a purely epistemic statement
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