Royal jelly is defined as a substance that is secreted by bees and is usually used to feed the larvae during their first days of life.This substance receives its name because it is a food specially made by bees for their queen , which is characterized by its innumerable properties or benefits that it has on health .This is created in the pharyngeal glands from honey, nectar and water that are collected from the outside, this is combined with saliva, hormones and vitamins inside them.This is a fluid secretion, of white hue and creamy appearance, has a taste somewhat bitter.
It is important to note that only the queen bee is the one that receives the royal jelly in a pure way, since the rest of the bees, despite that also feed on this substance, it is mixed with some grains of pollen , therefore, is not 100% pure.
This substance is considered by many authors as a kind of superfood, this is because its composition has important nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, essential amino acids and certain trace elements such as magnesium and calcium.In addition to a large number of vitamins, among which the Acid Folic, vitamins A, C, E, precursors of Vitamin D and all the vitamins that are included in group B, just to mention the most important ones.
All these compounds offer special benefits in people who have exhaustion and tiredness, besides it has properties related to stimulating development and growth, reason by which it contributes to the increase in the levels of red and white blood cells in the blood which allows a better oxygenation ong> of the body as well as the optimization of the defense system, the nervous system and repair of multiple tissues; It is important to note that their nutrients have also been shown to have a positive impact when it is it tries to improve fertility.
All the characteristics mentioned above are related to the characteristics of queen bees, since these are insects to which this nutrient is destined, which is why it has a larger size that doubles that of the average bee, not to mention that it has greater longevity since it can reach almost six years and also a great fertility against the other insects of the hive that feed only on pollen.
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