In geometry a figure that is composed of four sides is designated as a rectangle, of which two have a length and the other two others, which also form four right angles of 90 °.It can then be said that a rectangle is a parallelogram, for the fact that the two pairs of sides that compose it are parallel respectively.
The parallelograms on their side they can be of different types , being one of these types, the rectangular parallelograms, characterized in that their internal angles are straight, that is, 90 °, in this group it is possible to group the rectangle and the square, which differ with each other because of the fact that the square has four equal sides, while the rectangle has only two are.
As for the perimeter of this figure, it will be the result of the sum of all the sides that make up.On the other hand its area is calculated by multiplying the base by the alt ura.
The rectangle has a series of characteristics that allow it to be distinguished from others, the first one without a doubt, is that its sides that are parallel to each other are two , for On the other hand, the diagonals it presents are similar and can be cut in equal parts.
Rectangles can be classified into three groups, First, irrational rectangles are located , which it is constituted by very varied rectangles such as the cordobes named in that way because said polygon was widely used by the architects of the mosque of Cordoba.It is also encompassed here, the gold and the rectangle n.
In second place are the static ones, which are those composed of sides whose dimensions are whole, being the best known of them, the Egyptian rectangle .
Finally there are the dynamic rectangles, which can be obtained separately go from the diagonal of a preliminary rectangle , which allows one of the sides that make it up to remain and that the distance from the other side takes the place of the diagonal that belongs to the resulting rectangle.
On the other hand, the term is also used as a qualifier, specifically to name a type of triangle which has a Right angle , but if on the contrary the triangle has an angle that exceeds 90 °, this will be classified as an obtuse angle and if it is the case that all of its sides are less than 90 °, it will be called an acutangle.
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