The Income Tax for Individuals (Personal Income Tax) is a tax that taxes income earned in a calendar year by physical persons or taxpayers residing in Spain. Therefore, it is a Tax figure that belongs to the Spanish tax system.
Currently, personal income tax is the most important tax of the Spanish tax system, due to its quantitative and tax collection.In addition, the IRPF allows through its tax mechanics apply the constitutional fiscal principles: principle of progressivity, generality and economic capacity .
The first goes to the general base and the second to the economies.
These two incomes will be treated separately.While the first has a progressive rate that can reach 56% of income, the savings achieved are progressive at three levels: 21-25-27%.
Conceptually, this tax is much easier to understand. ing Reserves and expenses are in the same stock market, forming the result of the year.This exercise gives rise to the general chart of accounts, where its best philosophy is to reflect the true image of the company, which allows it take a series of expenses that, for tax purposes, could not.
If it is positive, it can be reduced according to the bases negative taxation of previous years.This is very important because it is possible that you are not taxed that year, even if you have advantages if you still have to pay negative tax bases for previous years.
People whose income comes exclusively from income from work and earns less of 22,000 euros per year if they only have one payer, or 11,200 euros per year if they have more than one, except for a few exceptions, they are exempt from filing the declaration of Income Tax: When mobile capital returns and capital gains are subject to withholding below 1,600 euros per year and the imputed real estate income is less than 1,000 euros per year.
Even if all these requirements are met, people who have right to a deduction for investment in housing, for a savings-company account and those who have made contributions to protected assets of persons with disabilities and all those who wish to request reimbursements from staff, the tax to the rent must file the return.
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