The Royal Academy defines the word disk hard as a "high capacity memory device that is incorporated into the computer, where its operation is to store all the information" , The word disco derives from the Latin "discus" and from the Greek "δίσκος" which means "circular and thick plate launched by athletes in the Olympics" and the hard verb derives from the Latin "durus-a-um" which means "solid, firm, stay." The hard drive is a device that is incorporated into the processor memory system of a computer that is the which keeps all programs and files constantly .
In informatica, the hard drive works like a document storage device where a Hypnotic video method to save digital documents, because the plate or the dis co are the main components of a hard drive that is sorted by different types and are integrated by the same base that rotates very agilely inside a metal box that is closed.You also top each hard drive , and on each of its faces is a read or write head that floats on top of a thin sheet of air that is formed by the spinning of the discs .
To use a hard disk in an operating system it must be adapted in a low-level format that determines one or more disk partitions , because it is the one that has its own method of files that is the one that handles each displacement as an independent physical disk , where the formatting technique requests the use of the space available on the disk, which only will depend on the configuration used .
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